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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

IRS Warns Taxpayers About Certain Trust Arrangements Sold As Welfare Benefit Funds

IR-2007-170, Oct. 17, 2007

WASHINGTON – The Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Department cautioned taxpayers about participating in certain trust arrangements being sold to professional corporations and other small businesses as welfare benefit funds and identified some of the arrangements as listed transactions.

There are many legitimate welfare benefit funds that provide benefits, such as health insurance and life insurance, to employees and retirees. However, the arrangements the IRS is cautioning employers about primarily benefit the owners or other key employees of businesses, sometimes in the form of distributions of cash, loans, or life insurance policies.

“The guidance targets specific abuses involving a limited group of arrangements that claim to be welfare benefit funds,” said Donald L. Korb, Chief Counsel for the IRS. “Today’s action sends a strong signal that these abusive schemes must stop.”

The guidance explains that, depending on the facts and circumstances, a particular arrangement could be providing dividends to the owners of a business that are includible in the owners’ income and not deductible by the business. The arrangement could also be a plan of nonqualified deferred compensation. Even some arrangements providing welfare benefits may have tax consequences different than what is claimed.

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