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Sunday, February 24, 2008


If you changed your home or business address, notify the IRS to ensure that you receive any refunds or correspondence. While the IRS uses the Postal Service’s change of address files to update taxpayer addresses, notifying the IRS directly is still a good idea.

There are several ways to do this.

  • On your tax return. You may correct the address legibly on the mailing label that comes with your tax package or write the new address in the appropriate boxes on your tax return when you file.
  • Form 8822. You may use Form 8822, Change of Address, to submit an address or name change at any time during the year.
  • Written Notification. To give written notification, write to the IRS center where you file your return and provide your new address. The addresses for the IRS centers are listed in the tax instructions. In order to process an address change, the IRS will need your full name, old and new addresses, and your social security number or employer identification number, and signatures. If you filed a joint return, you should provide the same information for both spouses. If you filed a joint return and have since established separate residences, you each should notify the IRS of your new addresses.
  • Verbal Notification. If an IRS employee contacts you about your account, you may be able to verbally provide a change of address.

It's a good idea to notify your employer of your new address so that you can get your W-2 forms on time.

If you change your address after filing your return, don't forget to notify the post office at your old address so your mail can be forwarded.

You should also notify the IRS if you make estimated tax payments and you change your address during the year. You should mail a completed Form 8822, Change of Address, or write the IRS center where you file your return. You can continue to use your old pre-printed payment vouchers until the IRS sends you new ones. However, do not correct the address on the old voucher.

You can download Form 8822, Change of Address at the IRS Web site,, or order by calling 800-TAX-FORM (800-829-3676).

Remember that for the genuine IRS Web site be sure to use .gov. Don't be confused by internet sites that end in .com, .net, .org or other designations instead of .gov. The address of the official IRS governmental Web site is



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