Help With Your Federal Income Tax, Articles and stories related to the IRS, taxes, tax credits, EITC and tax deductions and updated tax news

Monday, April 14, 2008

The End Of Tax Season

The end of tax season is almost here, and it can't get here fast enough, this year has been a little crazy. For example, early in the season, when the W-2's start coming out, we call that peak. In the previous 2 seasons, the returns I did were just W-2's with dependents, nothing else, and these are really easy returns. The customer usually wants a bank product also, because our fees come out of their check, and they usually have a big Earned Income Credit, so the refunds are in the $2,000-6000 range. These returns take 20-30 minutes to do. We do a lot of returns in this time. And for the record, I have never, or will I ever, push a bank product on a client. I just explain the options. Most clients know which bank product they want before they even come in the door.

For some reason though, this season I had much harder returns during peak, and the clients paid their fee up front and had the IRS send their refund. I'm not complaining, I love to do tough returns, it was unusual though, because we don't start getting these types of returns until later in the season. When I mean tough returns, I mean a lot of deductions, depreciation, and things like that, where it takes more than an hour to do.

Anyway, my last day is the 16th, because I have to close the office. It will be my 9th straight day, which is fine with me, more money on my last check before I move. My guess is I've done about 150 returns or so this season, give or take a few. The office is close to 500.

And a last minute tip, you still have until tomorrow to contribute to your IRA and lower the amount of tax you pay.


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